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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

25 things

Tag ini dipanggil 25 random things about me. Bear with me eyh?

1. Sangat suka aiskrim jagung dengan nut sprinkles. Especially kalau kat tepi laut atau kat air terjun.

2. I prefer gangster movies rather than rom coms because I usually watch the TV with dad or with my brothers. Not that I hate romcoms, I just prefer the other one.

3. Benci nak jawab phone. I can't think on the phone. I can't see the person calling me so I can't make any decisions about anything. I make decisions based on people's reaction. When I can't see them, I can't predict their reaction.

4. Sekalipun aku buat love stories, idola aku dalam penulisan adalah Stephen King. Penulisannya sangat kreatif and pop-culture-ish dan tak terlalu narrative dan formulaic. He just ram the rules.

5. Tapi kalau penulisan chic, aku suka Jane Austen. She's a social critic and not a preachy one at that.

6. I have a guitar but it collects dust now.

7. I have two laptops. One is an Acer - the old one and where I do all my reviews. The other one is my new Sony VAIO where I write my novels, my subtitles and watch movies.

8. I don't like answering trivial questions like "Dah makan?" "Kerja kat mana?" "Adik beradik berapa orang?" You can read it on my FB so stop asking stupid stuff and waste my precious time. At least be creative if you want to ask. But who's gonna spend time trying to be creative to ask if I have eaten or not, eyh?

9. Aku sangat suka lagu Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are" version Kinna Granis.

10. I don't like clingy guys. See reason 8 and 3.

11. I still do movie reviews because I love it when I am paid to watch a movie instead of the other way around

12. I don't like friends masuk campur urusan peribadi unless I ask them to or I'm willing to talk about it. But if I just give you the I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it, well..... don't.

13. I don't like fashion that much. But I like Tyra Banks' theory of cinch and snatch.

14. My motto is "I am a writer, I have a license to be vulgar."

15. Sangat suka makan daging kambing dan ikan salmon. Kalau aku bertukar jadi zombie, aku rasa aku jadi zombie yang serang kambing.

16. Masa amik ujian kerjaya, kaunselor sekolah aku kata aku paling sesuai jadi model, komposer atau penulis lirik. Hahahahahahaha. Mana ada orang jadi model sebab theoretically she thinks like one.

17. Aku percaya "If you love someone set him free..." tapi aku tak percaya "...if he comes back he's yours."

18. Sangat gilakan BOARDWALK EMPIRE dan THE WALKING DEAD sekarang ni.

19. Aku bersaudara dengan............................................ neh, let's forget about it. Pointless unless aku nak buat orang benci aku macam orang benci dia. And I am not talking about Fasha Sandha. Hahaha.

20. Orang yang tak berapa kenal aku tak akan boleh bezakan bila masa aku jujur dan bila masa aku sarkastik.

21. Aku tak suka ceritakan sinopsis novel aku. Sebab aku tau the degree of truth and lies in the characters of my novel, so kalau orang suruh aku bagi sinopsis novel, aku tak pasti macam mana nak cerita yang tak buat aku nampak macam orang yang gila.

22. Kucing aku bernama Phibun Songkram, mengambil nama Presiden Thailand suatu masa dahulu.

23. Kalau aku tidur awal, aku stressed. Biasanya aku tidur pukul 4 pagi. Atau lepas Subuh.

24. Lidah manis. Kalau orang masak tawar, aku cannot accept. Kalau aku masak, I would not convince health freaks to eat it.

25. Aku ada karakter setiap watak HIMYM. Aku insufferable know-it-all macam Ted, suka theorise macam Barney, have weird things in my purse macam Robin, sangat percaya pada kebaikan orang to the point of naive macam Marshall dan selalu bagi relationship advice but never follow them macam Lily.

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